Our Core Values
Let all that you do be done in love. 1Corinthians 16:14
Following consultation with our staff and parents our core values are as below.
Values determine the sort of person we are or become. At our school, we aim to be the sort of people that God would want us to be and to treat others in the way we would want them to treat us.
Whilst our school seeks to reflect many Christian values, the following have been chosen as our 'Core Values'. We believe that an understanding of these values, and integration of them into school life, will help to equip our children as they forge relationships within our school community, the local community and within society as a whole. Our core values are:
Forgiveness and Love
Compassion and Fairness
Friendship and Respect
Resilience and Honesty
Our core values will be developed both explicitly and implicitly through:
- Through the leadership and management of our school, and the shared aims and mission, and therefore reflected in our ethos
- Through staff example and their use of moral language
- Through the subjects of the curriculum
- Through collective worship
- Through learning
- Through teaching methods