Maths is getting BIGGER at GHF

We are very excited to be introducing Big Maths to our school. It's got pupils buzzing about maths!
At the end of last term, all our staff were trained in this exciting and highly effective strategy. The aim is to increase the rapid recall of number facts and mental maths skills for all of our pupils and ultimately enable them to be more confident and efficient at maths.
Since we have started and throughout school, the children have been buzzing with enthusiasm as they complete their Big Maths Beat That challenges, attempting to get the highest score in a given time. This week, they will begin to attempt to increase their score, competing against themselves to improve their accuracy and speed.
Below is an information leaflet which outlines Big Maths in more detail and we are also inviting parents and carers to attend a Maths Workshop on Thursday 11th February at 6pm. During the workshop, we will explain how we use Big Maths in more detail and also explain the methods of calculation the children learn as they progress through school.
We are looking forward to the maths journey ahead and we hope to see a good turnout for our workshop.