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Information about what our pupils are learning this term.
We have had a great start to the new school year and the children have settled in really well.
To start off the term, each KS2 class has been getting hooked in a book and KS1 classes have been reading stories by their class author. It is wonderful to see how they really enjoy their reading and we are looking forward to the books reviews they are going to write. Our new library build is coming on fantastically and we look forward to opening it up to the children at the beginning of October.
Here are the Big Questions and links to curriculum newsletters for parents with details of what the children will be learning this term.
Year 5/6 – Upper Key Stage 2 – How has Grantham changed since our school was built? Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them?
Year 3/4 – Lower Key Stage 2 – Were the Egyptians awesome?
Year 1/2 - Key Stage 1 – Why is the Wii more fun than Grandma and Grandad’s old toys?
We are also looking forward to:
- Harvest Festival
- Macmillan Coffee Morning
- Parents’ evening on 17th and 18th October
- Book Fair starting Thursday 2nd November
- Children in Need Day on Friday 17th November
- Christmas Discos – 7th December
- Christmas Fair – 15th December
- Reception and KS1 Christmas performances w/c 11th December
- Christingle Services on Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th December
- KS2 Christmas Singalong – 19th December
We have some workshop/information events for parents too:
- Keeping your children safe online with the NSPCC and O2 – Tuesday 26th September 2pm
- Reception Curriculum and Learning – TBA
- Reading – TBA
We will be providing important and valuable information for parents that can support with the children’s learning so we hope you can attend.
Parents should also look out for an invite to their child’s class assembly this term and details of clubs their child can attend.
Parents can keep up to date with school events via the School Calendar.