Carroll Class assembly on Tolerance

Carroll class have been finding out all about tolerance this week and have shared their thoughts in a super assembly.
Tolerance is another British Value that all pupils should learn about and understand and Carroll class did a great job in helping GHF pupils do that.
They sang ‘Everyone is Different’ (by Lenny Sherwin) and reminded us that, as we are unique individuals, we should respect our differences - and individuality is one of our school values. They also showed us that actually, while we have things that are different about us, we have more in common with each other than we think. They even showed similarities and beliefs between different religions and, through the story of Mary washes Jesus’s feet, showed us not have prejudices.
Here are the very pertinent prayers that the children selected to share:
Here in our school
Let us be peaceful at all times.
Let our rooms be full of happiness and respect for each other.
Let love be in our hearts, with kindness and compassion for all.
Let us remember
In learning together,
We grow together
And succeed together.
Loving God, you are known by many different names, by many different peoples.
Help us to be slow to argue, quick to listen and show respect for those who are different to us.
And help us to change the way we think and to live and learn and love together in harmony.