Bikeability 2018

Y5 have their cycling proficiency course.
On the 14-18th May, Year 5 took part in a Bikeability course. Bikeability instructors taught us many new and important skills that we need to use to safely ride our backs.
At first, we practiced skills on our bikes on the playground. These included doing some warm ups, such as stretching, hand signals to show traffic which direction we are going in and the ABC checks. ABC stands for air, breaks and chain which all have to be checked before riding a bike. We also practised riding with one hand as we would need this skill when we are making hand signals.
After this, we rode our bikes on the road with the instructors and used some of the skills that we had practise. We also practised the ‘high five’ skill whilst riding on the road to get us used to using one hand.
We really enjoyed our week with the Bikeability instructors and we really enjoyed practising these bike skills and getting more confident to use them on the road.
Evie & Leandra, Year 5